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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2012

Sepatu Baru Boby

Oleh : Tien Afecto Galuh  “Krittt... krittt... krittt...,” bunyi sepatu baru Didit terkena lantai. “Bagus sepatuku, kan?” sambil menunjukkannya pada Boby. “Iya, bagus sekali,” jawabnya sambil ternganga melihati sepatu Didit itu. Boby sangat menginginkan sepatu itu sebelumnya tetapi ayahnya belum punya cukup uang untuk membelikannya. “Kringgg...,” bunyi bel masuk. Boby terus saja diam-diam memandangi sepatu Didit. Dalam pandangannya sepatu itu sangat bagus. Dia membayangkan, andai saja itu dikenakan olehnya. Hari ini pasti banyak teman yang mau duduk dengannya bukan hanya Didit. Didit dan Boby berteman sejak kecil, rumah Boby berada tepat di belakang rumah Didit. Gubuk kecil yang damai bagi Didit tapi bukan bagi Boby. “Kenapa aku tak seberuntung Boby?” dalam lamunannya, Boby menyalahkan hidupnya sehingga hanya bisa membayangkan bisa memakai sepatu yang sekarang dipakai teman baiknya. “Kamu kenapa Bob? Sakit ya?” bisik Didit melihat Boby melamun. Boby kaget dan terbangun dari la...


Announcement entered the University of California was disseminated via Internet yesterday. Alince is a smart American girl who likes science, he entered the department of communication in University of California . He had two friends who come from abroad, the ir name are Carolina and Afecto. Carolina c o me s from England and Afecto comes from Spain. The girls ha ve just met at a meeting here and they are not intentional. They got a scholarship to attend the University of California, and they stay one room in the dorm itory . About four months they carry on together, they become close as family . Wherever and whenever   they are alwaws together . Summer vacation came , but three of them did not go home to their countries, but they decided to have vacation in Mersy Town, North America while observa s i ng for all their duties. The city is famous for its exquisite gardens and everybody said the native are also friendly. Location I: after getting on the bus. Alince...