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Announcement entered the University of California was disseminated via Internet yesterday. Alince is a smart American girl who likes science, he entered the department of communication in University of California. He had two friends who come from abroad, their name are Carolina and Afecto. Carolina comes from England and Afecto comes from Spain.
The girls have just met at a meeting here and they are not intentional. They got a scholarship to attend the University of California, and they stay one room in the dormitory.
About four months they carry on together, they become close as family. Wherever and whenever  they are alwaws together. Summer vacation came, but three of them did not go home to their countries, but they decided to have vacation in Mersy Town, North America while observasing for all their duties. The city is famous for its exquisite gardens and everybody said the native are also friendly.
Location I: after getting on the bus.
Alince: "i feel so tired."
Carolina and Afecto: "me too."
Afecto: "come on, hurry up! Let’s  find a place to stay while take a rest, this is really hot." 
Alince: "Ok beib, be patient, please!"
Carolina: "
let's ask somebody."
Alince: "ok ...
 there is a seller, ask her!"
Carolina and Afecto : "Ok."
The three girls approached the seller  in road.
All: "excuse me!."
Alince: "may we disturb your time?."
Seller: "yes, of course. What’s wrong?"
Alince: "We want to find a boardinghouse  here,
where is boarding house comfortable?"
Seller: "Oh at Angel House , it’s nice place. Please go straight on of the way and then turn right. Or you can pass the crossroad . "
Alince: "what do you think my friends?" (asked at Carolina and Afecto glancing backward).
C and Af: "no problem
. . let’s go there. "
All: "thank you"
Seller: you are welcome, (see the good girl )but you must be careful, don’t through the crossrod because usually there are naughty Beggars. "
All: "ok." ( while giving sweet smile to the Seller)
And then they contineu walking. they are curious and wonder how came  there is beggars in this wonderful city, they think it is really impossible. Finally they passed the crossroad.
At that crossroad, there are two boys who are very crumpled and not good looking.
They are the beggars who had been told by the Seller before. Their name was Percy Buttons and cerry Case.
The beggars and the girls look at each other.
Percy: "well I think there are new people, let’s come to them!."
Cerry: "You are first, please."
Percy: "ok, look at my action."
Percy approached three girls were just crossing the street.
Percy: excuse me, I did not eat three days
Alince: armscray!!!, you disturb us .
Carolina: oh, give me a break, Lince. (While taking something in his pocket)
Afecto: he looks handsome.
(Whispered to Carolina)
Carolina: hussss. . . (While pinching Afecto)
Percy: just it??? Sometimes samebody gives me minimal one milion.
Afecto: Helowwwww.
. . do you force us?
Alince: ok give him, let him go. (As he told Carolina took the money again)
Percy: Thank you so much sis, in return for this i will invite you all to take walk
Afecto: come on!. . . (Smile)
Alince: thank sir. But we aren’t interested.
Afecto: come on Lis, the chance doesn’t come twice? (Whimper)
Carolina: fecto don’t be childish.
Alince: emmm. . . let’s go.
Suddenly, The mothers come.
Ibu Kost: Hi you!!! Where do you invite them?
Directly The beggars run.
Alince: what’s wrong mom?
Mother's boarding house: they were not good people,
Alince: owh. . . . .i see
All: We Are hopeless.
The three of them regret not to listen to mother's message, they too underestimate anything. And don’t see people from their appearance. But they are still lucky. So, they can be aware of it.

Naskah Drama Aburadul.....hhaha


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       I.             PENDAHULUAN Cepatnya arus informasi dan semakin majunya tehnologi sekarang ini yang dikenal dengan era globalisasi memberikan bermacam-macam dampak bagi setiap kalangan masyarakat di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali remaja. Teknologi seperti dua sisi mata uang yang tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lain, disatu sisi berdampak positif tapi di sisi lain juga berdampak negatif. Dampak posifitnya, munculnya imajinasi dan kreatifitas yang tinggi. Sementara pengaruh negatifnya, masuknya pengaruh budaya asing seperti pergaualan bebas dan pornografi. Masuknya pengaruh budaya asing mengakibatkan adanya pergaulan bebas dan seks bebas yang kemudian mengakibatkan terjadinya fenomena hamil di luar nikah. Remaja merupakan generasi penerus yang akan membangun bangsa ke arah yang lebih baik, yang mempunyai pemikiran jauh ke depan dan kegiatannya yang dapat menguntungkan diri sendiri,keluarga,dan lingkungan sekitar. Namun, remaja sekarang ini banyak yang terjerumus ke dalam pergaulan

Sepenggal Kisah Tentang Waktu

Video singkat yang menceritakan seorang gadis yang malas-malasan. Kehidupannya hanya diisi dengan kegiatan yang kurang bermanfaat. Dia pun hampir setiap saat meninggalkan kewajibannya sebagai seorang muslim yaitu sholat. Dia tidak pernah tidur ketika malam, bukan berarti untuk berdzikir dan bermujahadah pada Allah, tapi malah bermain game, dan melakukakan kegiatan yang sama sekali tidak bermanfaat. Lucunya ketika adzan subuh berkumandang, bak lagu merdu yang menina bobokan dirinya untuk tidur. Al hasil, dia tidak sholat subuh dan parahnya sepanjang paginya dia tidur sampai siang hari. Suatu ketika, di depan rumahnya dia melihat iring-iringan yang tak biasa. Bukan karnaval atau marching band, tapi keranda mayat yang berodakan manusia yang membawa jenazah. Hal ini membuat dia termenung sejenak memikirkan kalau hidup ini akan berakhir. Semua wejangan yang dulu pernah diberikan orang tuanya. Ia sadar kalau selama ini waktunya terbuang sia-sia, padahal Rasulullah SAW mengin